Author: Milly Jackson
Flashback 3 years and I was exactly where you are. Someone who never thought they could run a marathon, let alone work in the fitness industry. A constant battle with weight my whole life, and never quite understanding how to get to where I wanted to be. As cliché as it sounds, it was only after weighing myself after 3 months in Australia that it suddenly clicked. I worked out on the beach every day and started to see results, this is where the magic happened- I said it was cliche.
From here it was a snowball effect, mainly because I learnt how my body worked and what food I should be eating. This wasn’t from a fad diet or some mental fitness regime, it was pure determination. Once I set my mind on achieving something I’ll use tunnel vision to get there. Now, 2 years later, I am pretty in tune with my body and its needs. Don’t get me wrong I am still learning a lot about it, but I can say that I’m really proud of what it can do. We are given one body, so if you can, why not have some fun with it!
So why did I suddenly consider working in the fitness industry? The gym became the highlight of my day and what I was most passionate about. One workout a day turned into two, and half marathon medals began to add up. The idea came when I dreaded going into work at my desk job, I wasn’t passionate about the work I was doing and I wasn't inspired by the people around me. I was inspired by fitness professionals and gym members, and they seemed to share the same interests as me. 7 months ago I made change happen and decided to take the leap of faith, 7 months later and this definitely feels like a ‘pinch me’ moment.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that persistence is key, and determination is transferrable to any aspect of your life. If you want something, work hard and you will get it. Whether you are on your own fitness journey or striving to make your passion a career. You will have tough times and you will fail along the way, but if you really TRULY want it then it will be yours.